
Alessandra Cappellotto

Top GC results

Overview of the top results in general classifications.

Top-10s by startlist quality

Riding a good GC is one thing, doing this against the top riders is another. The startlist quality measures the quality of the riders at the start. This list shows all top-10 results sorted by the highest race startlist quality.
#YearRaceClassResultStartlist quality
12001 Grande Boucle Féminine Internationale2.9.141005
21998 Giro d'Italia Femminile2.9.17830
31999 Grande Boucle Féminine Internationale2.9.110666
41998 Women's Challenge7640
51997 Tour cycliste féminin2.9.15640
61998 Grande Boucle Féminine Internationale2.9.13640
71996 Tour cycliste féminin5595
82001 Giro d'Italia Femminile2.9.16557
92001 Vuelta Internacional a Mallorca Feminas2.9.16552
102000 Giro d'Italia Femminile2.9.12500
111997 Giro d'Italia Femminile2.9.17490
122001 Giro del Trentino Femminile2.9.14391
131996 Giro d'Italia Femminile2295
141995 Giro d'Italia Femminile7260
151996 Giro del Trentino Alto Adige2120
161997 Internationale Thüringen-Rundfahrt1105
171996 Masters Féminin265
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