
Gregor Gazvoda

Career points - GC

The GC (general classification) specialty points are computed by a summation of all career PCS points in GCs.
rider specialty explanation

Points: 317
12011-07-102.HC Tour of Qinghai Lake1150
22007-07-082.1 Course de Solidarnosc et des Champions Olympiques350
32010-07-252.HC Tour of Qinghai Lake1232
42012-05-27WT Giro d'Italia13420
52018-08-042.HC Tour of Qinghai Lake1616
62006-07-022.1 Course Cycliste de Solidarnosc et des Champions Olympiques1112
72017-07-292.HC Tour of Qinghai Lake1910
82008-05-112.1 Szlakiem Grodów Piastowskich147
92010-07-112.HC Int. Osterreich-Rundfahrt-Tour of Austria216
102012-07-16WT Tour de Pologne1405
112007-06-162.1 Tour de Slovénie183
122002-09-222.Ncup GP Tell83
132002-05-27 Olympia's Tour83