
Kamen Pazin Cabo de Penas Kiwi Atlantico


Ciudad de Oviedo - Tartiere Auto

Comparison between Kamen Pazin Cabo de Penas Kiwi Atlantico and Ciudad de Oviedo - Tartiere Auto for a specified season. Swap order. Use the search box to compare to other teams.
Kamen Pazin Cabo de Penas Kiwi Atlantico
Ciudad de Oviedo - Tartiere Auto

Key info

Kamen Pazin Cabo de Penas Kiwi AtlanticoCiudad de Oviedo - Tartiere Auto
Croatia License nationalitySpain
2008First season2003

Key performance indicators

Professional wins
PCS points
Distance (km)
Points p/1000km
Points GC
Points classics
Points time trial

Points cumulative per week

How did the team accumulate their points throughout the season? This overview gives the cumulative amount of points per week between week 4 and week 42.