

Location as part of race

Number of times this location was part of a race. If a location is only counted once per edition of a race.
  • Race
92013-06-23National Championships Netherlands - Road Race | Kerkrade - Kerkrade
72013-06-22National Championships Netherlands U23 - Road Race | Kerkrade - Kerkrade
82013-06-22National Championships Netherlands WE - Road Race | Kerkrade - Kerkrade
62012-06-24National Championships Netherlands - Road Race | Kerkrade - Kerkrade
42012-06-23National Championships Netherlands U23 - Road Race | Kerkrade - Kerkrade
52012-06-23National Championships Netherlands WE - Road Race | Kerkrade - Kerkrade
31961-05-23Ronde van NederlandStage 8 | Kerkrade - Zundert
21949-05-13Ronde van NederlandStage 8 | Kerkrade - Tilburg
11949-05-12Ronde van NederlandStage 7b (TTT) | Vaals - Kerkrade