

Location as part of race

Number of times this location was part of a race. If a location is only counted once per edition of a race.
  • Race
92016-03-27National Championships Chile MJ - Road Race | Linares - Linares
102016-03-27National Championships Chile ME - Road Race | Linares - Linares
72016-03-26National Championships Chile WE - Road Race | Linares - Linares
82016-03-26National Championships Chile WJ - Road Race | Linares - Linares
32016-03-25National Championships Chile WE - ITT | Linares - Linares
42016-03-25National Championships Chile MJ - ITT | Linares - Linares
52016-03-25National Championships Chile WJ - ITT | Linares - Linares
62016-03-25National Championships Chile ME - ITT | Linares - Linares
22003-03-30Vuelta de ChileStage 3a | Linares - Talca
12003-03-29Vuelta de ChileStage 2 | Chillan - Linares