

Location as part of race

Number of times this location was part of a race. If a location is only counted once per edition of a race.
  • Race
112019-09-21Giro delle Marche in RosaStage 3 | Offida - Offida
102012-03-12Tirreno-AdriaticoStage 6 | Offida - Offida
92011-07-17European Continental Championships MU - Road Race | Offida - Offida
72011-07-16European Continental Championships WU - Road Race | Offida - Offida
82011-07-16European Championships MJ - Road Race | Offida - Offida
62011-07-15European Continental Championships MU - ITT | Offida - Offida
52011-07-14European Continental Championships WU - ITT | Offida - Offida
42010-08-09World Championships MJ - Road Race | Offida - Offida
32010-08-08World Championships WJ - Road Race | Offida - Offida
22010-08-06World Championships MJ - ITT | Offida - Offida
12009-08-02Trofeo Beato Bernardo | Offida - Offida