

Location as part of race

Number of times this location was part of a race. If a location is only counted once per edition of a race.
  • Race
112021-08-26Deutschland TourStage 1 | Stralsund - Schwerin
82007-06-24National Championships Germany - ITT | Rostock - Rostock
92007-06-24National Championships Germany WE - ITT | Rostock - Rostock
102007-06-24National Championships Germany MU - ITT | Rostock - Rostock
71979-05-21Course de la PaixStage 11 | Rostock - Neubrandenburg
61979-05-20Course de la PaixStage 10 | Szczecin - Rostock
51966-05-19Course de la PaixStage 11 | Szczecin - Rostock
41961-05-15Course de la PaixStage 7 | Rostock - Berlin
31961-05-14Course de la PaixStage 6 | Szczecin - Rostock
21938-06-23Tour of GermanyStage 15 | Rostock - Berlin
11938-06-22Tour of GermanyStage 14 | Hamburg - Rostock