
Giro d'Italia Internazionale Femminile

2021»Stage 5»MilanoCarugate(120.1km)

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  • Distance in KM
  • Departure city
  • Arrival city
  • Race date
  • Racetype
  • Parcours type
  • Won from
  • Groupsize
  • Solo distance in KM
  • Source
The field 'won from' refers to the group where the winner came from. Our definition of an 'early' break is a break that came to be before the half of the race distance. A 'late break' is any break that came to be after half race distance. A break is defined as 1 or more riders that break away from a main group. Groupsize is the size of the group that sprints for the victory. In case of a solo victory, the field solo kilometres contains the KMs from the moment the rider was alone to the finishline.

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