
Vuelta a Andalucia Ruta ciclista del Sol

2012»Stage 4 (Final)»Cruzcampo JaenLa Guardia de Jaen(145.6km)
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Data completeness

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At ProCyclingStats we do a lot of research and a lot of people help us with finding information on actual and historical races. However, for a lot of statistics there is missing data. It is good to know when interpreting the statistics that you know which information is missing. Here are some statistics on missing data.

Won how

Value is unknown when it is not indicated how the stage was won and if it was won from the break or peloton.
Number of stages known63
Number of stages unknown345
Years (number of unknown values)2014 (1),2012 (2),2010 (1),2009 (2),2008 (5),2007 (5),2006 (4),2005 (5),2004 (5),2003 (5),2002 (5),2001 (1),2000 (5),1999 (4),1998 (5),1997 (5),1996 (5),1995 (5),1994 (6),1993 (5),1992 (5),1991 (6),1990 (6),1989 (5),1988 (5),1987 (6),1986 (5),1985 (5),1984 (5),1983 (5),1982 (5),1981 (5),1980 (6),1979 (5),1977 (9),1976 (10),1975 (9),1974 (7),1973 (6),1972 (5),1971 (5),1970 (7),1969 (7),1968 (8),1967 (8),1966 (8),1965 (8),1964 (8),1963 (9),1962 (8),1961 (8),1960 (8),1959 (8),1958 (9),1957 (8),1956 (12),1955 (10),1925 (5)