
Tour of East Java


Most stage wins

Who won most stages in Tour of East Java? Use the filters to select on nationality, original results or active riders.
  • Nation
  • Results
  • Active riders
1 MIZBANI Ghader41-stage wins
2 PARK Sung Baek211stage wins
3 IIJIMA Makoto21-stage wins
4 SAMAI Samai2-1stage wins
5 MANAN Anuar2-1stage wins
6 GLASNER Björn2--stage wins
7 YEUNG Ronald2--stage wins
8 KAZEMI Sarai Ahad121stage wins
9 NISHITANI Taiji12-stage wins
10 SOHRABI Mehdi111stage wins
11 ZARGARI Amir111stage wins
12 KUDENTSOV Serguei111stage wins
13 TORIBIO José Vicente11-stage wins
14 HANNACHI Abdelbaset11-stage wins
15 KASWANTO Kaswanto11-stage wins
16 SUSANTO Tonton1-1stage wins
17 SALEH Mohd Zamri1-1stage wins
18 GRIFFIN Paul1-1stage wins
19 NATEGHI Mahdi1-1stage wins
20 WASESO Projo1--stage wins
21 MIZUROV Andrey1--stage wins
22 ALIZADEH Hossein1--stage wins
23 NAKAJIMA Yasuharu1--stage wins
24 DOCKER Mitchell1--stage wins
25 SHPILEVSKY Boris1--stage wins
26 HASANIN Omar1--stage wins
27 EBSEN John1--stage wins
28 HO Burr1--stage wins
29 WONG Kam-Po-21stage wins
30 ASKARI Hossein-21stage wins
31 YAMAMOTO Masamichi-2-stage wins
32 CRAWFORD Jai-2-stage wins
33 SALEH Mohd Harrif-2-stage wins
34 SULZBERGER Bernard-11stage wins
35 HOFFMANN Erik-11stage wins
36 BEPPU Takumi-11stage wins
37 FITRIANTO Hari-11stage wins
38 ULZII-ORSHIKH Jamsran-1-stage wins
39 KWOK Ho Ting-1-stage wins
40 KOLAHDOZHAGH Amir-1-stage wins
41 JANNAT Hamed-1-stage wins
42 JAHANBANIAN Hossein-1-stage wins
43 NURHIDAYAH Eko Bayu-1-stage wins
44 KRASILNIKOV Roman-1-stage wins
45 DAMROW Sascha-1-stage wins
46 BRADFORD Christopher-1-stage wins
47 JOO Hyun Wook-1-stage wins
48 CLARKE David--2stage wins
49 NAKANE Hideto--1stage wins
50 SETIAWAN Iwan--1stage wins
51 JANG Sun Jae--1stage wins
52 POLLOCK Rhys--1stage wins
53 DOI Yukihiro--1stage wins
54 MCCALLUM Sam--1stage wins
55 OH Seong-youn--1stage wins
56 MCMURDO Hilton--1stage wins
57 LYALKO Alexey--1stage wins
58 CHAN Chun Hing--1stage wins
59 HASHEMZADEH Sirous--1stage wins
60 TSISSARUK Ivan--1stage wins
61 TASHIRO Yasutaka--1stage wins
62 HARYANTO Dwi--1stage wins
63 ZAINAL Mohd Nor Rizuan--1stage wins
64 LEE Wei Cheng--1stage wins
65 NODERA Hidenori--1stage wins
66 GRINTER Pip--1stage wins
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