
Adam Wadecki

Overview of the top results in general classifications.

Top-10s by startlist quality

Obtaining a good result in a one day race is one thing, doing this against the top riders is another. The startlist quality measures the quality of the riders at the start. This list shows all top-10 results sorted by the highest race startlist quality.
#YearRaceClassResultStartlist quality
12007 Memorial Viviana Manservisi - GP Citta' di Misano-Adriatico1.18254
22005 National Championships Poland - Road RaceNC140
32002 Porec Trophy - Trofej Porec1.5832
42012 Banja Luka - Belgrade I1.2931
52008 E.O.S. Tallinn1.1930
62008 Memoriał Andrzeja Trochanowskiego1.2727
72008 National Championships Poland - Road RaceNC627
82010 National Championships Poland - Road RaceNC726
92002 Trofej Poreč II1.5725
102012 National Championships Poland - Road RaceNC623
112007 Pomorski Klasyk1.2720
122008 Pomorski Klasyk1.2817
132010 Memorial Andrzeja Trochanowskiego1.2217
142010 Pomerania Tour1.2915
152001 Memorial Andrzeja Trochanowskiego1.5115
161999 National Championships Poland - Road RaceNC610
172013 Memorial Andrzeja Trochanowskiego1.2710
182012 Memorial Andrzeja Trochanowskiego1.249
192013 Puchar Ministra Obrony Narodowej1.258
202002 National Championships Poland - Road RaceNC97
212006 Pomorski Klasyk1.236
222005 Szlakiem walk majora Hubala1.2103
232004 Puchar Ministra Obrony Narodowej1.513
242003 Puchar Ministra Obrony Narodowej1.552
252000 Wyscig Kuriera Lubelskiego i Startu1.5101
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