
Adolf Huschke

Races per country

Races competed per country. If a race travels through multiple countries, each country is counted.
1 GermanyBayerische Rundfahrt
Berlin - Leipzig - Berlin
Groβer Sachsenpreis
München - Berlin
Munchen - Zurich
National Championships Germany - Road Race
Rund um Köln
Tour of Germany
Wien - Berlin
2 AustriaRund um die Gletscher
Wien - Berlin
3 SwitzerlandMunchen - Zurich
Züri Metzgete
4 PolandTour of Germany1

Nations by date

Which countries did Adolf Huschke last add to his list?
4 Switzerland1922-09-24
3 Austria1914-06-29
2 Poland1911-05-21
1 Germany1911-04-16