
Amaro Antunes

Most underestimated top-3 results

Statistic of the most underestimated results, based upon the predictions in the PCS game. The total number of times a rider is picked for a race or stage is divided by the total number of players.
  • Top-x:
#ResultDateRace# PicksTotal teams% of teams
112017-02-19 Volta ao Algarve em Bicicleta | Stage 536374948.5
212017-08-14 Volta a Portugal em Bicicleta Santander Totta | Stage 937345382.3
312017-08-15 Volta a Portugal em Bicicleta Santander Totta42349485.6
422017-08-08 Volta a Portugal em Bicicleta Santander Totta | Stage 442646990.8