
Andrea Wolfer

Races per country

Races competed per country. If a race travels through multiple countries, each country is counted.
1 ItalyEuropean Continental Championships WU - ITT
European Continental Championships WU - Road Race
Giro d'Italia Femminile
Giro del Trentino Alto Adige - Südtirol
World Championships WJ - Road Race
2 SwitzerlandGran Premio Brissago Lago Maggiore
Grand Prix de Suisse
National Championships Switzerland WE - ITT
National Championships Switzerland WE - Road Race
World Championships WE - Road Race
3 AustriaWorld Championships WJ - ITT
World Championships WJ - Road Race
4 BelgiumEuropean Continental Championships WU - ITT
Omloop Het Volk WE
5 NetherlandsDrentse 8 van Dwingeloo
Holland Ladies Tour
6 BulgariaEuropean Continental Championships WU - ITT1
7 GermanyRund um die Nürnberger Altstadt1
8 PolandEko Tour Dookola Polski1
9 QatarLadies Tour Of Qatar1
10 San MarinoGiro di San Marino1

Nations by date

Which countries did Andrea Wolfer last add to her list?
10 Qatar2010-02-03
9 Germany2008-09-14
8 Belgium2008-03-16
7 Netherlands2007-09-03
6 Bulgaria2007-07-19
5 San Marino2007-05-04
4 Switzerland2006-03-12
3 Austria2005-08-12
2 Poland2005-06-02
1 Italy2004-10-01