
Antonio Bevilacqua

Smallest margins time trials

Wins by smallest margin of time and losses by the smallest margins of time in time trials.

Smallest margin wins

1 Trofeo Baracchi -02:10:23
2 Trofeo Baracchi -02:10:23
3 Giro d'Italia | Stage 4a (ITT)0:00
4 Giro d'Italia | Stage 18 (ITT)CD-C0:00

Smallest margin losses

1 Trofeo Baracchi9 -02:55:56
2 Trofeo Baracchi20:00
3 Trofeo Baracchi20:00
4 Trofeo Baracchi96:28
5 Roma - Napoli - Roma | Stage 1a (ITT)109:50
6 Tour de France | Stage 17 (ITT)CD-C3212:34