
Arman Garibian

Races per country

Races competed per country. If a race travels through multiple countries, each country is counted.
1 MoldovaNational Championships Moldova ME - ITT
National Championships Moldova ME - Road Race
National Championships Moldova MJ - ITT
National Championships Moldova U23 - ITT
2 BelarusEuropean Games - Road Race
Grand Prix Minsk
Minsk Cup
3 Czech RepublicEuropean Continental Championships MJ - Road Race
UEC Juniors & U23 Road European Championships MJ - ITT
4 RomaniaCupa Max Ausnit
Tour of Szeklerland
5 BulgariaMemorial Dimitar Yankov - Sunny Beach1
6 HungaryTour of Szeklerland1
7 SerbiaOlympic Hopes - Belgrade Trophy Milan Panić1

Nations by date

Which countries did Arman Garibian last add to his list?
7 Hungary2022-08-09
6 Romania2019-08-07
5 Belarus2019-05-11
4 Serbia2018-08-11
3 Czech Republic2018-07-13
2 Moldova2018-06-30
1 Bulgaria2018-05-08