
August Jensen

Overview of the top results in general classifications.

Top-10s by startlist quality

Obtaining a good result in a one day race is one thing, doing this against the top riders is another. The startlist quality measures the quality of the riders at the start. This list shows all top-10 results sorted by the highest race startlist quality.
#YearRaceClassResultStartlist quality
12018 Primus Classic1.HC10274
22021 Paris - Bourges1.110269
32017 Kampioenschap van Vlaanderen1.14251
42020 Paris - Tours Elite1.Pro8230
52018 Halle Ingooigem1.18186
62018 Elfstedenronde1.15147
72017 Grote Prijs Jef Scherens - Rondom Leuven1.14146
82019 Omloop Mandel-Leie-Schelde Meulebeke1.18115
92012 National Championships Norway - Road RaceNC865
102019 Veenendaal-Veenendaal Classic1.1858
112017 Carrefour Market Heistse Pijl1.1946
122017 Grand Prix de la Ville de Lillers Souvenir Bruno Comini1.2926
132017 Ringerike GP1.2416
142016 Ringerike GP1.2912
152015 Hadeland GP1.2610
162015 Ringerike GP1.2510
172016 GP Viborg1.246
182015 Skive-Løbet1.255
192012 National Championships Norway MU - Road RaceNC10
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