
Baden Cooke

Overview of the top results in general classifications.

Top-10s by startlist quality

Obtaining a good result in a one day race is one thing, doing this against the top riders is another. The startlist quality measures the quality of the riders at the start. This list shows all top-10 results sorted by the highest race startlist quality.
#YearRaceClassResultStartlist quality
12002 World Championships ME - Road RaceWC91416
22003 Paris - ToursCDM41110
32006 Paris - ToursPT6952
42011 Gent - WevelgemWT10880
52007 Gent - WevelgemPT8875
62007 E3 Prijs Vlaanderen1.HC8821
72005 Gent - WevelgemPT6675
82007 Omloop Het Volk ME1.HC6605
92003 GP de Fourmies / La Voix du Nord1.HC1595
102002 GP Ouest France - Plouay1.HC3584
112006 E3 Prijs Vlaanderen1.HC10578
122011 Dwars door Vlaanderen1.15556
132002 Paris-Bruxelles1.15553
142003 Dwars door Vlaanderen1.22526
152007 Grand Prix d'Isbergues - Pas de Calais1.16447
162008 Monte Paschi Eroica1.15426
172002 Dwars door Vlaanderen1.21416
182007 GP de Fourmies / La Voix du Nord1.HC3410
192007 Paris-Bruxelles1.HC4404
202011 Paris-Bourges1.12401
212008 GP Lugano1.16379
222007 Scheldeprijs1.HC8336
232005 Dwars door Vlaanderen1.15335
242011 Memorial Frank Vandenbroucke1.12296
252003 Paris-Bourges1.37287
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