
Branko Filip

Career points - GC

The GC (general classification) specialty points are computed by a summation of all career PCS points in GCs.
rider specialty explanation

Points: 156
11999-06-13 Österreich-Rundfahrt350
21998-05-102.5 Tour de Slovénie125
32001-04-292.4 Niedersachsen-Rundfahrt818
41999-05-30 Course Cycliste de Solidarnosc et des Champions Olympiques314
52002-03-312.5 Tour de Normandie411
61999-06-201.7.1 GP Kranj411
72003-04-272.5 Szlakiem Grodów Piastowskich411
82002-02-242.3 International Tour of Rhodes138
91998-06-201.7.1 GP Kranj58
101999-04-182.5 Ster der Beloften74