
Cheng Ji

Overview of the top results in general classifications.

By PCS points

#YearRaceClassResultPCS points
12012 Milano-SanremoWT1405
22016 De Brabantse Pijl - La Flèche Brabançonne ME1.HC10050
32016 Royal Bernard Drôme Classic1.110050
42016 Classic Sud Ardèche - Souvenir Francis Delpech1.110050
52015 Sparkassen Münsterland Giro1.HC970
62015 Omloop van het Houtland 1.110050
72015 Kampioenschap van Vlaanderen1.110050
82015 Brussels Cycling Classic1.HC10050
92015 GP Ouest France - Plouay1.UWT10050
102015 Rund um Köln1.110050
112015 La Flèche Wallonne1.UWT10050
122015 De Brabantse Pijl - La Flèche Brabançonne1.HC10050
132015 Classica Corsica1.1470
142014 Milano-Torino1.HC10050
152014 Omloop van het Houtland 1.110050
162014 Primus Classic Impanis - Van Petegem1.110050
172014 Kampioenschap van Vlaanderen1.110050
182014 GP Ouest France - Plouay1.UWT10050
192014 Halle - Ingooigem1.11180
202014 Rund um den Finanzplatz Eschborn-Frankfurt1.HC10050
212014 Liège - Bastogne - Liège1.UWT10050
222014 La Flèche Wallonne1.UWT10050
232014 De Brabantse Pijl - La Flèche Brabançonne1.HC10050
242014 Scheldeprijs1.HC1510
252014 Volta Limburg Classic1.110050
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Top-10s by startlist quality

Obtaining a good result in a one day race is one thing, doing this against the top riders is another. The startlist quality measures the quality of the riders at the start. This list shows all top-10 results sorted by the highest race startlist quality.
#YearRaceClassResultStartlist quality