
Chia Hong Yang

Races per country

Races competed per country. If a race travels through multiple countries, each country is counted.
1 ChinaTour of Fuzhou
Tour of Hainan
Tour of South China Sea
2 HongkongNational Championships Hong Kong ME - Road Race1
3 IndonesiaTour of East Java1
4 JapanTour de Kumano1
5 MalaysiaTour of Borneo1
6 TaiwanTour de Taiwan1
7 ThailandTour of Thailand1

Nations by date

Which countries did Chia Hong Yang last add to his list?
7 Malaysia2013-08-18
6 Hongkong2011-06-19
5 Japan2011-05-26
4 China2008-11-11
3 Thailand2006-01-24
2 Taiwan2005-10-29
1 Indonesia2005-06-27