
Chris Uberti

Races per country

Races competed per country. If a race travels through multiple countries, each country is counted.
1 United StatesNational Championships United States ME - Road Race
The Philadelphia Cycling Classic
The Reading 120
Tour of the Battenkill
Tour of the Gila
Winston Salem Cycling Classic
2 CanadaGrand Prix Cycliste Saguenay
White Spot / Delta Road Race
3 NetherlandsArnhem Veenendaal Classic
Ronde van Midden-Nederland
4 BelgiumGP Stad Zottegem1

Nations by date

Which countries did Chris Uberti last add to his list?
4 Netherlands2014-08-22
3 Belgium2014-08-19
2 Canada2014-06-05
1 United States2011-04-27