
Cor van Leeuwen

Races per country

Races competed per country. If a race travels through multiple countries, each country is counted.
1 NetherlandsArno Wallaard Memorial
Groningen - Münster
National Championships Netherlands - ITT
National Championships Netherlands MJ - Road Race
National Championships Netherlands MU - Road Race
National Championships Netherlands U23 - ITT
Rabo Ronde van Midden-Nederland
Ronde van Noord-Holland
Ronde van Overijssel
Royal Smilde Olympia’s Tour
Ster van Zwolle
ZLM Tour om de 'Arjaan de Schipper Trofee'
2 BelgiumOmloop van het Waasland1
3 HungaryTour of Hungary1
4 ThailandTour of Siam1

Nations by date

Which countries did Cor van Leeuwen last add to his list?
4 Belgium2009-03-15
3 Thailand2007-01-21
2 Hungary2004-07-26
1 Netherlands1998-06-19