
Damian Sławek


  • Race
  • Filters
  • Season
12023-06-25 National Championships Poland ME - Road RaceNCME-490
22023-05-26 Tour of Estonia2.1ME771
32023-04-12 Tour du Loir et Cher2.2ME166780
42022-07-27 Dookoła Mazowsza2.2ME221650
52022-07-26 Memoriał Andrzeja Trochanowskiego1.2ME221710
62022-07-10 Visegrad 4 Bicycle Race Grand Prix Poland1.2ME78330
72022-06-26 National Championships Poland ME - Road RaceNCME-340
82022-04-30 Grand Prix Wyszków1.2ME171150
92022-04-29 Grand Prix Nasielsk-Serock1.2ME171170
102021-09-08 European Continental Championships - Mixed Relay TTTCCME+WE5280
112021-07-18 Puchar MON1.2ME176470
122021-07-14 Dookoła Mazowsza2.2ME175850
132021-06-20 National Championships Poland ME - Road RaceNCME-520
142020-08-23 National Championships Poland ME - Road RaceNCME-DNF1
152020-07-15 Dookoła Mazowsza2.2ME205720
162019-04-30 Carpathian Couriers Race2.2UMU-140
172018-08-11 Memorial Henryka Lasaka1.2ME-300
182018-06-24 National Championships Poland - Road RaceNCME-140
192018-04-28 Carpathian Couriers Race2.2UME-1
202018-04-22 Visegrad 4 Bicycle Race Grand Prix Poland1.2ME-OTL1
212018-04-07 Ronde van Vlaanderen Beloften1.NcupME-DNF1
222018-03-25 Gent-Wevelgem/Kattekoers-Ieper1.NcupMU-DNF1
232017-09-17 Visegrad 4 Bicycle Race Grand Prix Poland1.2ME-800
242017-09-08 East Bohemia Tour2.2ME-1
252017-08-10 Czech Cycling Tour2.1ME1781
262017-08-05 European Continental Championships MU - Road RaceCCME-270
272017-07-25 Dookoła Mazowsza2.2ME-1
282017-06-24 National Championships Poland MU - Road RaceNCMU-20
292017-06-21 National Championships Poland MU - ITTNCMU-130
302017-06-18 International Race Korona Kocich Gor1.2ME-DNF1
312017-06-17 Grand Prix Doliny Baryczy Xxvii Memorial Grundmanna I Wizowskiego1.2ME-700
322017-04-29 Carpathian Couriers Race U-232.2UME-820
332017-04-15 ZLM Tour1.NcupMU-DNF1
342017-04-08 Ronde van Vlaanderen Beloften1.NcupME-DNF1
352016-08-20 Puchar Ministra Obrony Narodowej1.2ME-120
362016-08-14 Puchar Uzdrowisk Karpackich1.2ME-390
372016-08-13 Memorial Henryka Lasaka1.2ME-180
382016-07-27 Dookoła Mazowsza2.2ME-440
392016-06-25 National Championships Poland MU - Road RaceNCMU-190
402016-06-22 National Championships Poland MU - ITTNCMU-150
412016-06-18 Memorial Grundmanna I Wizowskiego 1.2ME-230
422016-04-29 Carpathian Couriers Race U-232.2UMU-1
432016-04-24 Visegrad 4 Bicycle Race - GP Slovakia1.2ME-80
442015-09-26 World Championships MJ - Road RaceWCMJ-DNF1
452015-09-04 Grand Prix Rüebliland2.1MJ-550
462015-08-09 UEC Road European Championships MJ - Road RaceCCMJ-200
472015-08-07 UEC Road European Championships MJ - ITTCCMJ-230
482015-07-11 GP Général Patton2.NcupMJ-580
492015-06-26 National Championships Poland MJ - Road RaceNCMJ-30
502015-05-07 Course de la Paix Juniors2.NcupMJ-900
512015-04-30 La Coupe du Président de la Ville de Grudziądz2.1MJ311
522015-04-12 Paris - Roubaix Juniors1.NcupMJ-470
532014-09-27 World Championships MJ - Road RaceWCMJ121DNF1
542014-09-14 Trofeo Buffoni1.1MJ-DNF1
552014-09-05 Grand Prix Rüebliland2.1MJ-890
562014-07-12 European Championships MJ - Road RaceCCMJ-190
572014-07-10 European Championships MJ - ITTCCMJ-470
582014-07-05 GP Général Patton2.NcupMJ-640
592014-06-27 National Championships Poland MJ - Road RaceNCMJ-30
602014-06-25 National Championships Poland MJ - ITTNCMJ-30
612014-05-08 Course de la Paix Juniors2.NcupMJ-790
622014-04-25 Tour of Istria - Memorial Edi Rajkovic2.NcupMJ-710
632014-04-13 Paris - Roubaix Juniors1.NcupMJ-570