
Dan Craven

Overview of the top results in general classifications.

Top-10s by startlist quality

Obtaining a good result in a one day race is one thing, doing this against the top riders is another. The startlist quality measures the quality of the riders at the start. This list shows all top-10 results sorted by the highest race startlist quality.
#YearRaceClassResultStartlist quality
12014 Commonwealth Games ME - Road RaceJR969
22008 Grand Prix Cristal Energie1.2123
32013 African Continental Championships - Road RaceCC220
42019 African Continental Championships - Road RaceCC915
52009 PPA Cape Argus Giro del Capo Challenge 21.2812
62010 African Continental Championships - Road RaceCC36
72008 African Cycling Championships - Road RaceCC15
82008 Pick n Pay Amashovashova National Classic1.245
92008 Gp Folignano - Trofeo Avis1.255
102010 East Midlands International Cicle Classic1.224
112008 Gara Ciclistica Montappone - Tr. Marini Silvano Cappelli Sp.1.243
122006 GP Demy Cars1.222
132007 Gp Folignano - Trofeo Avis1.232
142008 Giro Ciclistico del Cigno - Memorial Mattia Rosa1.232
152008 Trofeo Salvatore Morucci1.221
162008 Coppa della Pace - Trofeo F.lli Anelli1.261
172016 National Championships Namibia ME - Road RaceNC11
182008 Gran Premio Inda - Trofeo Aras Frattini1.231
192015 National Championships Namibia ME - Road RaceNC11
202007 Trofeo Salvatore Morucci1.260
212017 National Championships Namibia ME - Road RaceNC20
222018 National Championships Namibia ME - Road RaceNC30
232019 National Championships Namibia ME - Road RaceNC20
242005 National Championships Namibia ME - Road RaceNC10
252012 National Championships Namibia ME - Road RaceNC20
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