
Daniel Vejmelka

Races per country

Races competed per country. If a race travels through multiple countries, each country is counted.
1 Czech RepublicCourse de la Paix Juniors
Czech Cycling Tour
Grand Prix Kralovehradeckeho kraje
National Championships Czech Republic - ITT
National Championships Czech Republic - Road Race
Praha - Karlovy Vary - Praha
2 BelgiumCircuit De Wallonie
Omloop Het Nieuwsblad Beloften/Circuit Het Nieuwsblad Espoirs
3 NorwayHadeland GP
Ringerike GP
4 AustriaOberösterreich Juniorenrundfahrt1
5 FranceParis - Mantes-en-Yvelines1
6 GermanyGarmin ProRace1
7 IrelandAn Post Ras1
8 SlovakiaNational Championships Czech Republic - Road Race1
9 UkraineGrand Prix of Donetsk1

Nations by date

Which countries did Daniel Vejmelka last add to his list?
9 Norway2013-05-04
8 Slovakia2012-06-24
7 Germany2012-06-10
6 Ireland2012-05-20
5 Ukraine2012-04-15
4 France2010-04-25
3 Belgium2009-03-15
2 Austria2004-07-02
1 Czech Republic2003-05-14