
David Per

Overview of the top results in general classifications.

Top-10s by startlist quality

Obtaining a good result in a one day race is one thing, doing this against the top riders is another. The startlist quality measures the quality of the riders at the start. This list shows all top-10 results sorted by the highest race startlist quality.
#YearRaceClassResultStartlist quality
12016 National Championships Slovenia ME - Road RaceNC341
22021 GP Adria Mobil1.2540
32015 National Championships Slovenia ME - Road RaceNC634
42016 GP Adria Mobil1.2430
52021 Visegrad 4 Bicycle Race - GP Czech Republic1.2422
62021 GP Kranj1.2717
72021 GP Slovenia1.2416
82016 Ronde van Vlaanderen Beloften1.Ncup115
92022 GP Adria Mobil1.2915
102016 GP Laguna Poreč1.2213
112019 GP Adria Mobil1.2413
122016 Gent-Wevelgem/Kattekoers-Ieper1.Ncup46
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