
Erik Baška

Overview of the top results in general classifications.

Top-10s by startlist quality

Obtaining a good result in a one day race is one thing, doing this against the top riders is another. The startlist quality measures the quality of the riders at the start. This list shows all top-10 results sorted by the highest race startlist quality.
#YearRaceClassResultStartlist quality
12018 Trofeo Campos, Porreres, Felanitx, Ses Salines1.18229
22018 Trofeo Palma1.12211
32016 Handzame Classic1.11157
42013 National Championships Slovakia - Road RaceNC662
52016 National Championships Slovakia - Road RaceNC755
62017 National Championships Slovakia - Road RaceNC355
72015 National Championships Slovakia - Road RaceNC452
82019 National Championships Slovakia ME - Road RaceNC252
92015 Porec Trophy - Trofej Porec1.2233
102014 Central-European Tour Kosice-Miskolc1.2124
112014 Central-European Tour Szerencs-Ibrany1.2624
122021 National Championships Slovakia ME - Road RaceNC423
132014 Central European Tour Isaszeg-Budapest1.2123
142014 Puchar Ministra Obrony Narodowej1.2320
152015 European Continental Championships MU - Road RaceCC117
162015 Puchar Ministra Obrony Narodowej1.2116
172014 Visegrad 4 Bicycle Race - GP Polski Via Odra1.2114
182015 Visegrad 4 Bicycle Race - GP Slovakia1.227
192020 National Championships Slovakia ME - Road RaceNC25
202014 National Championships Slovakia U23 - Road RaceNC30
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