
Erwin Thijs

Overview of the top results in general classifications.

Top-10s by startlist quality

Obtaining a good result in a one day race is one thing, doing this against the top riders is another. The startlist quality measures the quality of the riders at the start. This list shows all top-10 results sorted by the highest race startlist quality.
#YearRaceClassResultStartlist quality
11999 De Brabantse Pijl - La Flèche Brabançonne1.36346
22000 Rund um Köln10248
32002 De Brabantse Pijl - La Flèche Brabançonne1.22230
42001 National Championships Belgium - Road RaceNC8222
51996 De Brabantse Pijl - La Flèche Brabançonne1.37213
61995 Grand Prix de Wallonie6159
72004 GP de Denain Porte du Hainaut1.36119
81999 GP Stad Zottegem-Dr. Tistaert Prijs1.44101
91999 Grote Prijs Jef Scherens - Leuven1.4794
101995 Binche - Tournai - Binche1.1390
112000 Grote Prijs Jef Scherens - Leuven1.3485
121998 Nokere Koerse776
131998 Omloop Vlaamse Ardennen/Grote Prijs Westkrediet1.5574
141994 Paris-Camembert571
152001 Tro-Bro Léon1.4261
161999 National Championships Belgium - Road RaceNC560
172002 Grand Prix de Wallonie1.21056
182006 Colliers Classic - GP Aarhus1.1154
191998 Le Samyn546
201999 Le Samyn246
212006 Flèche Hesbigonne1.2136
222000 Omloop van de Westkust934
231995 De Kustpijl829
241996 Omloop van de Westkust1028
251993 Tour de Vendée423
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