
Ewelina Szybiak

Smallest margins time trials

Wins by smallest margin of time and losses by the smallest margins of time in time trials.

Smallest margin wins


Smallest margin losses

1 National Championships Poland I.t.t.NC160:00
2 Premondiale Giro Toscana Int. Femminile - Memorial Michela Fanini | Prologue2.2240:11
3 Premondiale Giro Toscana Int. Femminile - Memorial Michela Fanini | Prologue2.2170:13
4 Premondiale Giro Toscana Int. Femminile - Memorial Michela Fanini | Prologue2.2210:14
5 Giro d'Italia Internazionale Femminile | Prologue2.1950:19
6 Gracia Orlova | Prologue2.2790:23
7 Festival Luxembourgeois du cyclisme féminin Elsy Jacobs | Prologue2.1760:24
8 Giro d'Italia Internazionale Femminile | Prologue2.1820:25
9 Auensteiner- Radsporttage | Prologue2.2170:26
10 Tour Cycliste Féminin International de l'Ardèche | Prologue2.21180:29
11 Tour de Pologne Féminin | Stage 2 (ITT)2.250:37
12 Tour Cycliste Féminin International de l'Ardèche | Stage 2 (ITT)2.2910:40
13 Tour de Feminin - O cenu Českého Švýcarska | Stage 3 (ITT)2.270:50
14 Gracia Orlova | Stage 3 (ITT)2.2130:52
15 Trophée d'Or Féminin | Prologue2.2260:55
16 National Championships Poland WE - ITTNC60:56
17 BeNe Ladies Tour | Stage 2a (ITT)2.2771:08
18 Trophée d'Or Féminin | Stage 2 (ITT)2.2181:09
19 Festival Luxembourgeois du cyclisme féminin Elsy Jacobs | Prologue2.1771:09
20 National Championships Poland WE - ITTNC101:15
21 National Championships Poland WE - ITTNC101:18
22 Gracia Orlova | Stage 3 (ITT)2.2421:25
23 Tour de Feminin - O cenu Českého Švýcarska | Stage 3 (ITT)2.2111:28
24 Tour Cycliste Féminin International de l'Ardèche | Stage 5 (ITT)2.2471:46
25 Auensteiner- Radsporttage | Stage 1 (ITT)2.2381:59
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