
Franco Mori

Overview of the top results in general classifications.

By PCS points

#YearRaceClassResultPCS points
11971 Giro del Lazio1225
21969 Coppa Sabatini340
31969 G.P. di Prato340
41969 Giro del Lazio1234
51971 Grand Prix de Wallonie432
61969 Giro dell'Emilia830
71972 GP Cemab818
81972 Coppa Sabatini916
91969 G.P. Camaiore916
101971 Genua - Nice147
111972 Coppa Placci215
121972 Gent - Wevelgem745
131972 Ronde van Vlaanderen / Tour des FlandresSPP675
141972 Milano-SanremoSPP755
151970 Milano-SanremoSPP925
161970 Trofeo Laigueglia165
171972 Trofeo Laigueglia174
181972 Giro di Romagna201
191973 Milano-Vignola620
201973 Trofeo Laigueglia270
211971 Coppa Sabatini210
221971 Giro di Romagna440
231971 Milano-Vignola490
241971 Giro della Provincia di reggio Calabria230
251971 Trofeo Laigueglia240
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Top-10s by startlist quality

Obtaining a good result in a one day race is one thing, doing this against the top riders is another. The startlist quality measures the quality of the riders at the start. This list shows all top-10 results sorted by the highest race startlist quality.
#YearRaceClassResultStartlist quality
11969 Giro dell'Emilia8477
21971 Grand Prix de Wallonie4262
31969 Coppa Sabatini3250
41972 Coppa Sabatini9212
51972 GP Cemab8148
61969 G.P. Camaiore968
71971 Giro del Lazio160
81969 G.P. di Prato314