
Fridtjof Røinås

Kilometres by race

Number of career race kilometres per race. Half the race distance is counted for DNF results.
1 Tour de Normandie4068
2 Uno-X Tour of Norway4010
3 Tour du Loir et Cher E Provost3638
4 Le Tour de Bretagne Cycliste trophée harmonie Mutuelle3482
5 Tour des Fjords3381
6 Arctic Race of Norway2135
7 Tour de l'Avenir1870
8 PostNord Danmark Rundt - Tour of Denmark1516
9 Ronde de l'Oise1315
10 East Bohemia Tour1084
11 International Tour of Rhodes948
12 National Championships Norway ME - Road Race891
13 Olympia's Tour744
14 Baltic Chain Tour705
15 Ringerike GP673
16 National Championships Norway MU - Road Race561
17 Rothaus Regio-Tour International527
18 Fyen Rundt - Tour of Funen507
19 Giro Ciclistico della Valle d'Aosta Mont Blanc466
20 European Continental Championships MU - Road Race416
21 Gooikse Pijl396
22 Himmerland Rundt394
23 Trofeo Karlsberg392
24 Omloop van het Houtland 382
25 GP Horsens Posten380
26 International Rhodes Grand Prix373
27 Gylne Gutuer342
28 Sundvolden GP336
29 ZLM Roompot Tour324
30 Grand Prix Rüebliland307
31 Tour of Istria - Memorial Edi Rajkovic292
32 Liège - La Gleize255
33 World Championships MU - Road Race247
34 GP Général Patton201
35 Primus Classic197
36 Paris-Camembert196
37 Keizer der Juniores195
38 Famenne Ardenne Classic194
39 Skive-Løbet188
40 Omloop Mandel-Leie-Schelde Meulebeke187
41 Grote Prijs Jef Scherens - Rondom Leuven186
42 Kampioenschap van Vlaanderen186
43 Grand Prix de la Ville de Lillers Souvenir Bruno Comini185
44 Paris-Troyes168
45 Trofej Umag - Umag Trophy161
46 Porec Trophy - Trofej Porec149
47 World Championships MJ - Road Race129
48 National Championships Norway MJ - Road Race126
49 Grand Prix d'Isbergues - Pas de Calais102
50 GP Stad Zottegem101
51 Druivenkoers - Overijse98
52 Tour du Finistère96
53 Ronde van Midden Nederland96
54 La Côte Picarde90
55 Ronde van Vlaanderen Beloften88
56 Volta ao Alentejo79
57 Lillehammer GP69
58 European Championships MJ - Road Race64
59 Hafjell TT44
60 World Championships - TTT42
61 National Championships Norway - ITT35