
Gašper Katrašnik

Overview of the top results in general classifications.

Top-10s by startlist quality

Obtaining a good result in a one day race is one thing, doing this against the top riders is another. The startlist quality measures the quality of the riders at the start. This list shows all top-10 results sorted by the highest race startlist quality.
#YearRaceClassResultStartlist quality
12019 National Championships Slovenia ME - Road RaceNC2108
22015 GP Izola1.2834
32016 GP Adria Mobil1.21030
42017 GP Izola1.2828
52018 Trofej Porec - Porec Trophy1.2526
62020 Trofej Poreč - Poreč Trophy1.2222
72015 European Continental Championships MU - Road RaceCC717
82016 GP Kranj1.2917
92019 Trofej Poreč - Poreč Trophy1.2917
102017 Belgrade Banjaluka II1.273
112017 Gran Premio della Liberazione1.2U103
122017 Beograd - Banjaluka I1.252
132015 Grand Prix Sarajevo1.210
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