
Giovanni Cuniolo

Overview of the top results in general classifications.

By PCS points

#YearRaceClassResultPCS points
11909 Giro di Lombardia1275
21909 Milano-Sanremo3150
31908 Milano - Modena1125
41905 Milano-Torino285
51907 Milano-Sanremo780
61910 Coppa Bastogi175
71909 Coppa Bastogi175
81909 Circuito Bresciano175
91909 Tre Coppe Parabiago175
101907 Giro di Alta Romagna175
111907 Milano - Mantova175
121906 Novi - Milano - Novi175
131906 Milano - Erba - Lecco - Milano175
141905 Coppa Savone175
151905 Coppa del Re175
161905 Coppa Megardi175
171905 Tortona - Serravalle - Novi - Tortona175
181904 Coppa del Re175
191906 Milano - Modena360
201911 Coppa Bastogi255
211908 Corsa Vittorio Emanuele III e Regina Madre255
221906 Milano - Mantova255
231905 Circuito di Alessandria255
241907 Milano-Torino450
251908 Milano - Mantova340
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Top-10s by startlist quality

Obtaining a good result in a one day race is one thing, doing this against the top riders is another. The startlist quality measures the quality of the riders at the start. This list shows all top-10 results sorted by the highest race startlist quality.
#YearRaceClassResultStartlist quality
11909 Milano-Sanremo3709
21909 Giro di Lombardia1613
31910 Tre Coppe Parabiago9390
41910 National Championships Italy ME - Road RaceNC7363
51910 Coppa Bastogi1349
61907 Milano-Sanremo7315
71909 Tre Coppe Parabiago1307
81908 Corza Nazionale8295
91907 Corza Nazionale3250
101909 National Championships Italy ME - Road RaceNC3240
111906 Milano - Modena3200
121909 Coppa Bastogi1200
131908 National Championships Italy ME - Road RaceNC1195
141910 Giro di Romagna-Toscana8172
151908 Corsa Vittorio Emanuele III e Regina Madre2170
161907 National Championships Italy ME - Road RaceNC1170
171908 Milano - Modena1155
181907 Milano-Torino4140
191909 Circuito Bresciano1120
201906 National Championships Italy ME - Road RaceNC1120
211906 Milano - Mantova2105
221906 Milano - Erba - Lecco - Milano1100
231905 Milano-Torino290
241907 Milano - Mantova190
251905 Coppa del Re190
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