
Hyeong-yeong Kang

Races per country

Races competed per country. If a race travels through multiple countries, each country is counted.
1 ChinaTour of Chongming Island
Tour of Chongming Island World Cup
Tour of Zhoushan Island
2 South KoreaNational Championships South Korea WE - ITT
National Championships South Korea WE - Road Race
3 SpainClasica Femenina Navarra
Emakumeen Nafarroako Klasikoa
4 ThailandThe 60th Anniversary "Thai Cycling Association"
The 60th Anniversary 'Thai Cycling Association' - The Golden Era Celebration
5 UzbekistanAsian Continental Championships WE - Road Race
Asian Continental Championships WE - TTT
6 BahrainAsian Continental Championships WE - Road Race1
7 BelgiumErondegemse Pijl (Erpe-Mere)1
8 Great BritainWomen's Tour of Scotland1

Nations by date

Which countries did Hyeong-yeong Kang last add to her list?
8 Great Britain2019-08-10
7 Belgium2019-08-03
6 Spain2019-07-30
5 Thailand2019-05-24
4 Uzbekistan2019-04-23
3 Bahrain2017-02-28
2 South Korea2014-06-27
1 China2014-05-14