
Ján Stöhr

Most starts by race

Sum of most starts per race.
1 NC Czech Republic - Road Race102012-2021more
2 Course Cycliste de Solidarnosc et des Champions Olympiques72013, 2015-2020more
3 Visegrad 4 Bicycle Race - GP Slovakia62014-2017, 2020-2021more
4 Visegrad 4 Bicycle Race - GP Czech Republic62014-2018, 2021more
5 Memorial Henryka Lasaka42013, 2016, 2018-2019more
6 Tour of Malopolska42017-2018, 2020-2021more
7 Puchar Uzdrowisk Karpackich42013, 2016, 2018-2019more
8 Visegrad V4 Race - GP Polski42016-2018, 2021more
9 Czech Cycling Tour32010, 2013, 2017more
10 Tour Bohemia32013, 2016-2017more
11 Okolo Jižních Čech32013-2014, 2017more
12 Oberösterreich Rundfahrt32010-2011, 2021more
13 Visegrad 4 Kerékpárverseny32016-2017, 2021more
14 Trofeo Karlsberg22008-2009more
15 Duo Normand22010, 2016more
16 Memorial im. J. Grundmanna J. Wizowskiego22014, 2016more
17 Tour of Iran (Azarbaijan)22015, 2018more
18 Berner Rundfahrt / Tour de Berne22014-2015more
19 Coppa della Pace - Trofeo F.lli Anelli22011, 2013more
20 Carpathia Couriers Paths22012-2013more
21 Memoriał Romana Siemińskiego22016-2017more
22 Okolo Slovenska22016, 2021more
23 Tour of Bihor - Bellotto22017-2018more
24 CCC Tour - Grody Piastowskie22018, 2021more
25 NC Czech Republic - ITT22010-2011more
26 Memorial Andrzeja Trochanowskiego22016-2017more
27 Grand Prix Kralovehradeckeho kraje22013-2014more
28 Puchar Ministra Obrony Narodowej22016-2017more
29 Tour of Almaty12019more
30 Course de la Paix U23 / Závod Míru U2312013more
31 Kosice-Miskolc12013more
32 Int. Raiffeisen Grand Prix Judendorf/Straßengel12014more
33 Velothon Wales12015more
34 Tour de Hongrie12019more
35 Korona Kocich Gór I Dolina Baryczy Żmigród-Milicz12016more
36 PWZ Zuidenveld Tour12018more
37 Rad am Ring12016more
38 Szlakiem Wielkich Jezior12017more
39 Rund um Sebnitz12015more
40 Velothon Stockholm12015more
41 Rothaus Regio-tour12009more
42 Tour du Jura Cycliste12017more
43 In the footsteps of the Romans12021more
44 Jurmala Grand Prix12013more
45 GP Slovenia12021more
46 Trofeo Edil C12012more
47 Tour of Qinghai Lake12018more
48 Giro della Lunigiana12008more
49 Grand Prix Rüebliland12009more
50 Schaal Sels12018more
51 Oberösterreich Juniorenrundfahrt12009more
52 Tour du Doubs - Conseil Général12014more
53 Tour of Slovenia12019more
54 Garmin Velothon Berlin12014more
55 Vuelta a la Comunidad de Madrid Sub 2312011more
56 Tour of Bulgaria12021more
57 Rutland - Melton International CiCLE Classic12015more
58 Kernen Omloop Echt-Susteren12016more
59 Ronde de l'Isard12013more
60 Tour of Fuzhou12018more
61 Dookoła Mazowsza12013more
62 GP Palio del Recioto12013more
63 Belgrade Banjaluka12019more
64 Giro del Belvedere di Villa di Cordignano12013more
65 Trofej Porec - Porec Trophy12017more
66 Turul Romaniei12021more
67 Toscana-Terra di ciclismo12012more
68 Istarsko Proljece - Istrian Spring Trophy12017more
69 Trofeo Guido Dorigo12009more
70 Riga - Jurmala Grand Prix12013more
71 Tour du Jura12014more
72 Trofej Umag - Umag Trophy12017more
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