
Jens Debusschere

Overview of the top results in general classifications.

Top-10s by startlist quality

Obtaining a good result in a one day race is one thing, doing this against the top riders is another. The startlist quality measures the quality of the riders at the start. This list shows all top-10 results sorted by the highest race startlist quality.
#YearRaceClassResultStartlist quality
12019 Gent-Wevelgem in Flanders Fields ME1.UWT10887
22018 Gent-Wevelgem in Flanders Fields ME1.UWT5867
32015 Gent - Wevelgem ME1.UWT5829
42017 Gent-Wevelgem in Flanders Fields ME1.UWT7826
52015 Paris - Roubaix1.UWT9815
62018 Paris-Roubaix1.UWT10811
72016 Omloop Het Nieuwsblad ME1.HC6661
82015 Kuurne-Brussel-Kuurne1.17548
92016 Paris - Tours Elite1.HC8545
102014 Paris - Tours Elite1.HC3498
112015 Dwars door Vlaanderen / A travers la Flandre1.HC8479
122016 Dwars door Vlaanderen / A travers la Flandre1.HC1460
132014 Trofeo Palma1.12459
142014 Dwars door Vlaanderen / A travers la Flandre1.HC6451
152022 National Championships Belgium ME - Road RaceNC9408
162016 Binche - Chimay - Binche / Memorial Frank Vandenbroucke1.17395
172019 Cadel Evans Great Ocean Road Race1.UWT5378
182014 Binche - Chimay - Binche / Mémorial Frank Vandenbroucke1.13363
192018 Scheldeprijs1.HC4347
202017 Clasica de Almeria1.13301
212016 RideLondon Classic1.HC4301
222019 Danilith Nokere Koerse ME1.HC9292
232016 Tour de l'Eurométropole1.18268
242021 Grand Prix de Denain - Porte du Hainaut1.Pro10261
252015 Grand Prix de Wallonie1.11260
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