
Julien Trarieux

»China Glory - Mentech Continental Cycling Team
China Glory - Mentech Continental Cycling Team

Career points - GC

The GC (general classification) specialty points are computed by a summation of all career PCS points in GCs.
rider specialty explanation

Points: 138
12023-10-092.Pro Tour of Hainan660
22023-07-232.2 Tour of Huangshan125
32021-05-302.Pro Boucles de la Mayenne1812
42023-09-122.2 Tour of Poyang Lake411
52019-06-092.1 Boucles de la Mayenne1210
62020-03-152.UWT Paris - Nice555
72018-10-142.UWT Presidential Cycling Tour of Turkey425
82021-08-272.1 Tour Poitou - Charentes en Nouvelle Aquitaine174
92023-05-202.2 Tour of Sakarya74
102023-04-222.2 Belgrade Banjaluka92