
Jure Kocjan

Overview of the top results in general classifications.

Top-10s by startlist quality

Obtaining a good result in a one day race is one thing, doing this against the top riders is another. The startlist quality measures the quality of the riders at the start. This list shows all top-10 results sorted by the highest race startlist quality.
#YearRaceClassResultStartlist quality
12011 Montepaschi Strade Bianche - Eroica Toscana1.14590
22010 Giro del Friuli1.110378
32011 Grand Prix d'Ouverture La Marseillaise1.14262
42011 Gp Di Lugano1.14214
52011 Gran Premio Regio Insubrica1.12211
62009 Cholet-Pays de Loire1.110200
72010 Grand Prix Pino Cerami1.11169
82009 G.P. Camaiore1.17169
92010 Trofeo Laigueglia1.17167
102012 G.P. Camaiore1.17164
112010 Rund um Köln1.17164
122010 Gp Industria E Commercio Artigianato Carnaghese1.14164
132009 Gp Industria E Commercio Artigianato Carnaghese1.17149
142011 GP Industria e Commercio Artigianato Carnaghese 1.16148
152012 Route Adélie de Vitré1.110146
162008 Tour de Rijke1.18121
172012 Flèche d'Emeraude - Saint Malo1.18110
182010 Gp Di Lugano1.12108
192008 Rund Um Die Nurnberger-altstadt1.12101
202011 Flèche d'Emeraude - Saint Malo1.12100
212011 TD Bank International Cycling Championship1.HC590
222010 Sparkassen Neuseen Classics – Rund um die Braunkohle1.1559
232008 Praha - Karlovy Vary - Praha1.2548
242009 Vn Kranja - Memorijal Filipa Majcna1.1745
252008 Neuseen Classics1.1443
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