
Metkel Eyob

»Terengganu Cycling Team
Terengganu Cycling Team

Overview of the countries where this rider has raced.

Races per country

The number of different races started per country.
1 Türkiye19
2 Italy11
3 China7
4 South Africa5
5 Japan4
6 Rwanda3
7 Malaysia3
8 Algeria2
9 Eritrea2
10 France2
11 Indonesia2
12 Iran2
13 United Arab Emirates1
14 Brazil1
15 United States1
16 Taiwan1
17 Australia1
18 Thailand1
19 Qatar1
20 Philippines1
21 Morocco1
22 Kazakhstan1
23 South Korea1
24 Belgium1
25 Hungary1
26 Gabon1
27 Spain1
28 Egypt1