
Nicole Brändli

Overview of the top results in general classifications.

Top-10s by startlist quality

Obtaining a good result in a one day race is one thing, doing this against the top riders is another. The startlist quality measures the quality of the riders at the start. This list shows all top-10 results sorted by the highest race startlist quality.
#YearRaceClassResultStartlist quality
12006 World Championships WE - Road RaceWC81674
22006 GP Ouest France-PlouayCDM11653
32002 World Championships WE - Road RaceWC21653
42004 La Flèche Wallonne FéminineCDM81576
52009 World Championships WE - Road RaceWC81565
62004 World Championships WE - Road RaceWC61504
72006 La Flèche Wallonne FéminineCDM81428
82007 La Flèche Wallonne FéminineCDM61396
92002 Gran Premio Castilla y LeonCDM101390
102003 La Flèche Wallonne FéminineCDM61380
112008 La Flèche Wallonne FéminineCDM71363
122002 Primavera RosaCDM91353
131999 World Championships WE - Road RaceWC101286
142002 Grand Prix Suisse fémininCDM71240
152005 La Flèche Wallonne FéminineCDM71223
162005 Primavera RosaCDM71202
172001 Primavera RosaCDM81127
182001 World Championships WE - Road RaceWC61070
192000 La Flèche Wallonne FéminineCDM91052
202001 Grand Prix Suisse fémininCDM4869
212000 Grand Prix Suisse fémininCDM8816
222005 Gran Premio Castilla y LeonCDM4795
232006 GP Costa Etrusca1.29685
242005 Emakumeen Saria1.25679
252003 Tour de Berne1.9.22552
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