
Preben Van Hecke

Overview of the top results in general classifications.

Top-10s by startlist quality

Obtaining a good result in a one day race is one thing, doing this against the top riders is another. The startlist quality measures the quality of the riders at the start. This list shows all top-10 results sorted by the highest race startlist quality.
#YearRaceClassResultStartlist quality
12017 National Championships Belgium - Road RaceNC7345
22015 National Championships Belgium - Road RaceNC1338
32018 Great War Remembrance Race1.13206
42011 National Championships Belgium - Road RaceNC9205
52013 Grand Prix de la Somme « Conseil Général 80»1.11160
62007 Hel van het Mergelland1.14157
72006 Grand Prix Pino Cerami1.19148
82010 Hel van het Mergelland1.19121
92017 Druivenkoers - Overijse1.17113
102008 GP du canton d'Argovie / GP Gippingen1.HC10106
112018 Ronde van Drenthe1.HC394
122010 Druivenkoers - Overijse1.1367
132008 GP Stad Zottegem1.1266
142008 Schaal Sels1.11059
152004 Noord-Nederland Tour1.3154
162006 Schaal Sels1.1143
172017 Rabobank Dorpenomloop Rucphen1.2838
182006 Nationale Sluitingprijs Putte-Kapellen1.1635
192012 Omloop van het Waasland1.2134
202015 Dwars door de Vlaamse Ardennen1.2329
212013 Antwerpse Havenpijl1.2119
222003 Zellik - Galmaarden1.567
232002 Flèche Ardennaise1.7.174
242003 Flèche Ardennaise1.7.193
252002 Les Boucles de l'Artois1.661
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