
Robert Wierinckx

Races per country

Races competed per country. If a race travels through multiple countries, each country is counted.
1 BelgiumGP de la Famenne
GP Stad Vilvoorde
Liège - Bastogne - Liège
Lille - Brussel
National Championships Belgium - Road Race
Ronde van België / Tour de Belgique
Ronde van Limburg
Ronde van Vlaanderen / Tour des Flandres
2 FranceParis - Nice
Paris - Roubaix
Paris - Tours
Tour de France
Tour de l'Ouest
Tour du Nord
3 AustriaTour of Germany1
4 GermanyTour of Germany1
5 PolandTour of Germany1
6 SwitzerlandTour de France1

Nations by date

Which countries did Robert Wierinckx last add to his list?
6 Poland1939-06-04
5 Austria1938-06-14
4 Germany1938-06-11
3 Switzerland1937-07-04
2 France1934-08-31
1 Belgium1934-05-20