
Rok Korošec

Overview of the top results in general classifications.

Top-10s by startlist quality

Obtaining a good result in a one day race is one thing, doing this against the top riders is another. The startlist quality measures the quality of the riders at the start. This list shows all top-10 results sorted by the highest race startlist quality.
#YearRaceClassResultStartlist quality
12016 Trofej Umag - Umag Trophy1.2947
22018 GP Izola1.2735
32015 Porec Trophy - Trofej Porec1.2933
42016 GP Adria Mobil1.2730
52017 Visegrad 4 Bicycle Race Grand Prix Poland1.2229
62018 Visegrad 4 Bicycle Race- GP Slovakia1.2327
72017 National Championships Slovenia ME - Road RaceNC1024
82019 GP Slovenian Istria1.21022
92018 Mediterranean Games - Road RaceJR422
102019 Croatia- Slovenia1.2219
112018 Croatia-Slovenia1.2919
122017 Visegrad 4 Bicycle Race - GP Czech Republic1.2118
132017 Trofej Umag - Umag Trophy1.2118
142018 Visegrad 4 Bicycle Race - GP Czech Republic1.2317
152019 Trofej Poreč - Poreč Trophy1.2617
162019 Trofej Umag - Umag Trophy1.21015
172018 Visegrad 4 Kerekparverseny1.2313
182014 Visegrad 4 Bicycle Race - GP Slovakia1.298
192019 GP Kranj1.267
202019 V4 Special Series Debrecen - Ibrany1.297
212019 V4 Special Series Vasarosnameny - Nyiregyhaza1.237
222017 Croatia-Slovenia1.244
232016 Trofeo Edil C1.2103
242019 Trofeo Città di Brescia1.262
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