
Romain Hardy

»UC Briochine - Bleu Mercure
UC Briochine - Bleu Mercure

Overview of the top results in general classifications.

Top-10s by startlist quality

Obtaining a good result in a one day race is one thing, doing this against the top riders is another. The startlist quality measures the quality of the riders at the start. This list shows all top-10 results sorted by the highest race startlist quality.
#YearRaceClassResultStartlist quality
12012 Grand Prix Cycliste La Marseillaise1.16287
22017 Trofeo Laigueglia1.HC2244
32010 Boucles de l'Aulne - Châteaulin1.13190
42011 Cholet-Pays de Loire1.110185
52011 Paris-Camembert1.12184
62010 Tour du Finistère1.14184
72018 Grand Prix de Plumelec-Morbihan1.18173
82011 Les Boucles du Sud Ardèche - Souvenir F. Delpech1.15170
92019 Tro-Bro Léon1.14161
102017 Royal Bernard Drôme Classic1.17155
112014 La Poly Normande1.16153
122018 Boucles de l'Aulne - Chateaulin1.17152
132010 La Poly Normande1.13151
142011 Tour du Finistère1.18149
152021 Trofeo Serra de Tramuntana (Lloseta - Deia)1.16147
162017 Tour de Vendée1.19145
172019 Tour du Finistère1.18143
182010 Prueba Villafranca-Ordiziako Klasika1.14142
192014 Paris-Camembert1.14139
202019 Paris-Camembert1.14138
212011 Tour du Doubs - Conseil General1.12134
222022 Boucles de l'Aulne - Châteaulin1.15133
232017 Tour du Doubs1.11123
242021 Tour du Finistère1.17121
252014 Boucles de l'Aulne - Châteaulin1.16119
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