
Roxane Fournier

»St Michel - Mavic - Auber93 WE
St Michel - Mavic - Auber93 WE

Most underestimated top-3 results

Statistic of the most underestimated results, based upon the predictions in the PCS game. The total number of times a rider is picked for a race or stage is divided by the total number of players.
  • Top-x:
#ResultDateRace# PicksTotal teams% of teams
122016-05-08 Tour of Chongming Island World Cup | Stage 310652820.1
232017-09-10 Madrid Challenge by La Vuelta11045324.3
312016-08-14 La Route de France | Stage 719834557.4
432016-08-10 La Route de France | Stage 325137167.7
512016-08-09 La Route de France | Stage 228537077.0