
Roy Hegreberg

Overview of the top results in general classifications.

Top-10s by startlist quality

Obtaining a good result in a one day race is one thing, doing this against the top riders is another. The startlist quality measures the quality of the riders at the start. This list shows all top-10 results sorted by the highest race startlist quality.
#YearRaceClassResultStartlist quality
12009 Memorial Rik Van Steenbergen1.19158
22010 Oslo Grand PrixNat.4140
32011 Druivenkoers - Overijse1.18115
42011 Dutch Food Valley Classic1.1798
52008 Druivenkoers Overijse1.1992
62010 Schaal Sels1.21088
72010 National Championships Norway - Road RaceNC374
82004 Omloop van het Houtland Lichtervelde1.5768
92009 Sandefjord Grand PrixNat.658
102009 National Championships Norway - Road RaceNC552
112010 Ronde van Noord-Holland1.2540
122009 Ronde van Noord-Holland1.2740
132009 Antwerpse Havenpijl1.2933
142011 GP Impanis - Van Petegem1.2630
152008 National Championships Norway - Road RaceNC627
162009 Arno Wallaard Memorial1.2822
172011 Porec Trophy - Trofej Porec1.2420
182010 Kernen Omloop Echt-Susteren1.21012
192006 National Championships Norway - Road RaceNC311
202011 Zellik - Galmaarden1.259
212007 Grand Prix de Beuvry-la-Forêt1.286
222011 Rogaland GP1.275
232004 Vlaamse Havenpijl1.5105
242011 Scandinavian Race In Uppsala 1909-20111.284
252010 Rogaland GP1.274
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