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Date | Result | Race | Distance | Points PCS | Points UCI | |||
09.12 | 1 | National Championships India MJ - Road Race (NC) | 25 | more | ||||
08.12 | 2 | National Championships India MJ - ITT (NC) | 22 | more | ||||
27.08 | 37 | Grote Prijs Niels Albert (NAT) | 78 | more | ||||
24.08 | 15 | Ruddervoorde Baliebrugge (NAT) | 86 | more | ||||
17.08 | 49 | Haasdonk (NAT) | 85 | more | ||||
03.08 | 30 | Denderwindeke (NAT) | 95.2 | more | ||||
31.07 | 47 | Grote Prijs Casino (NAT) | 99.6 | more | ||||
10.06 | DNF | Asian Continental Championships MJ - Road Race (CC) | 112.6 | more | ||||
06.06 | 4 | Asian Continental Championships JR - Mixed Relay TTT (CC) | 32 | more | ||||
26.05 | 1 | BBCh24 Race #04 - Bangalore Classic Road Race (NAT) | 80 | more | ||||
25.04 | 3 | Selection trials - ITT (NAT) | 20 | more |
632 km in 11 days | PCS points: 47 | UCI points: 0
= number of kilometres in a group before the peloton
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