
Skye-Lee Armstrong

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#DateResultRaceClassKMsPCS pointsUCI pointsVert. mtr
12007-06-0618 Tour of Chongming Island | Points classification2.2--
22007-06-0663 Tour of Chongming Island2.2--
32007-06-0635 Tour of Chongming Island | Stage 42.2100--
42007-06-0567 Tour of Chongming Island | Stage 32.272.8--
52007-06-0421 Tour of Chongming Island | Stage 22.270.8--
62007-06-0310 Tour of Chongming Island | Stage 12.265.6--
72007-03-01DNF Geelong Tour | Stage 42.280--
82007-02-2885 Geelong Tour | Stage 32.2115--
92007-02-2780 Geelong Tour | Stage 22.230--
102007-02-2795 Geelong Tour | Stage 1 (ITT)2.28--