
Stanislav Kirov

Races per country

Races competed per country. If a race travels through multiple countries, each country is counted.
1 BulgariaMemorial Dimitar Yankov
National Championships Bulgaria - ITT
National Championships Bulgaria - Road Race
National Championships Bulgaria U23 - ITT
2 SerbiaBelgrade Trophy Milan Panić
Beograd - Banjaluka I
Tour de Serbia
3 Bosnia and HerzegovinaBelgrade Banjaluka II
Beograd - Banjaluka I
4 AustriaOberösterreich Juniorenrundfahrt1
5 EstoniaUEC Road European Championships MJ - Road Race1
6 PolandLa Coupe du Président de la Ville de Grudziądz1
7 SwitzerlandTour du Pays de Vaud1

Nations by date

Which countries did Stanislav Kirov last add to his list?
7 Bosnia and Herzegovina2017-04-29
6 Estonia2015-08-09
5 Austria2015-07-17
4 Switzerland2015-05-28
3 Poland2015-04-30
2 Serbia2014-08-09
1 Bulgaria2014-05-15